Jackson Oaks Neighborhood Association


A neighborhood many Oregon families love to call home. First and foremost, the Association strives to preserve home values and quality of life by maintaining Jackson Oaks as a high-quality residential community. This unique neighborhood situated between two creeks, bordered by rural farmland on the outskirts of the City of Central Point, offers a prime suburban setting and many convenient area amenities. Central Point has good access to the City of Medford and surrounding communities while providing a smaller hometown feel. Whether it is the local county fair, well-attended High School football games or concerts at the Britt Festival in nearby Jacksonville, the Central Point area is a welcoming community.


The Jackson Oaks Home Owners Association is governed by a seven member board of directors. All board members are volunteers who receive no compensation for their work. Directors are elected on a rotating basis by members of the association to serve two year terms at the annual meeting. In the event of a vacancy on the board, remaining board members may appoint a replacement to serve the balance of the unexpired term. The board oversees day to day operations of the association. Duties of the board include establishing policies, setting budgets and assessments, appointing committees and approving contracts or other legal documents. The board typically meets six times per year. The date, time and location of the meetings are outlined in the Boards Event Calendar and included in the quarterly newsletter. All meetings are open to association members. Member comments are accepted at the regular meeting. Click here for more details on committees and board member responsibilities.


The seven members Board of Directors positions are filled by homeowners in an open process of nomination and election outlined under Election Policies and Procedures. The directors are elected for staggered two-year terms in the fall.

The association needs homeowners who really care about our community and our association to step forward and play active roles. The responsibilities of our board members are not trivial, but neither are they overwhelming. If you are interested in serving our community please review the Roles and Responsibilities of a board member. Owners may make either a self-nomination or nominate another homeowner (with their permission) for the board at the next election.

President Shayne Joseph 2025
Secretary Brandon Snyder 2025
Treasurer Tim Chesley 2025
Member at Large Diane Vranes 2025
Member at Large Jason West 2026
Member at Large Sandra Tegtman 2025
Member at Large Royce Chambers 2026

Operating Guidelines

The Board of Directors may appoint such committees as it deems appropriate to perform such tasks and to serve for such periods as the board may designate by resolution. All committee members are appointed each fall, except for the Elections Committee, at the first meeting after the annual Board of Directors elections to serve one year terms. Individual committees are responsible for establishing there own organizational plan.

Communications Committee

The three member committee works together with the board to:

  • Inform, engage and educate residents and other interested parties to increase awareness of the neighborhood news, events and benefits of living in our community.

  • Works to build a sense of community by fostering two-way communication, while at the same time presenting accurate information in a timely and convenient manner.

  • Publishes the quarterly neighborhood newsletter and provides other association communications on an as-needed basis.

Design Review Committee

The three member board appointed Design Review Committee (DRC) is an administrative and policy enforcement body established by DRC resolution and charged with:

  • Drafting CC&R Administrative Guidelines pertaining to architectural, landscape and “property use” as needed under the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’s).

  • Interpreting the Covenants and the guidelines applicable to homeowner projects that are subject to design review.

  • Administering a process for reviewing and approving or denying home/property improvement projects governed by the Covenants.

  • Enforcing the terms and conditions of the Declaration as they relate to “property use”.

  • The DRC adheres to the compliance policy to investigate an alleged CC&R violation and/or take corrective action should an investigation conclude that there is a violation.

  • Owners can contact the association on the contact us tab to report potential CC&R violations. The DRC will investigates complaints and determine if compliance action is necessary.

Nominations Committee

The three member Nominating Committee is:

  • Responsible for recruiting candidates and preparing a list of nominees for the vacant board positions in the annual election.

  • Produces an election pamphlet and ballot including candidate statements and the election process for distribution.

Elections Committee

The board appoints an Elections Committee before the close of candidate nominations for the elections “as an independent third party “Election Committee” to be:

  • The inspector(s) of elections.

For the purposes of this section, an independent third party includes, but is not limited to being a member of the association, but may not be a member or a candidate of the Board of Directors or related to a member or a candidate for the Board of Directors.

Communications Shayne Joseph, Diane Vranes
Design Review Sandy Tegtman, Diane Vranes, Jason West
Nominations Shayne Joseph, Diane Vranes
Elections Royce Chambers, Diane Vranes
Budget Shayne Joseph, Tim Chesley
Landscaping Royce Chambers, Sandy Tegtman, Peter Brown
Dues Tim Chesley, Jason West

What it means to be on the board

As a member of the Board of Directors you have made a commitment that you will serve the Home Owners Association’s interests to the best of your ability, be fair on matters that come before the board, do your best to preserve and enhance the values of the common areas and that you will spend money in a prudent manner. Being a director also means that you have fiduciary duties which require making reasonable investigation into matters dealt with and acting in a businesslike, prudent manner when making decisions.

An effective Board of Directors must have a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the association, its history and what is to be accomplished. Associations have responsibility for its common elements as well as the management and operation of the association’s business affairs, all in accordance with standards established by state and federal law, local ordinances, and the governing documents upon which the entity itself was created. To the extent that the association has such authority and control, it is the Board of Directors that carries out these duties and responsibilities.

Members of the board serve without compensation. The board’s authority includes all of the powers and duties enumerated in general law, as long as these powers are not inconsistent with the provisions of the documents governing the association.

Understanding the Homeowner’s Association Concept

The homeowners association is the cornerstone of a planned residential community. It brings continuity and order to the community, it preserves the architectural integrity and it maintains the common elements. Properly run, the association promotes the concept of “community” and protects the neighborhood’s property values.

Deed-initiated homeowners associations have become an essential part of the overall concept of residential property ownership in today’s marketplace. Purchase of a home or lot often brings with it mandatory membership in an association which then provides the structure for operation and management of the residential development. With membership come certain maintenance obligations, financial responsibilities, and a commitment to abide by use restrictions and other rules of the association. To a degree, it necessitates individual conformity for the good of the whole.

The association’s responsibilities include upkeep of the common area property. To be successful, its officers and directors must uniformly and fairly govern the community, and it must have a reasonable level of participation by each of its members over time.

Officers of the Association

The association acts through its officers and agents. The board of directors makes the policies for the association, but the officers and agents carry out these policies and administrative functions for the community. Some of the officers are clerical while others carry out substantive functions based on policies established by the board of directors. All of the officers have an affirmative obligation to act with utmost good faith towards the association and cannot deal in the funds or the property of the association to their own self advantage. The association has a president, secretary, and treasurer.


The president is vested with all the powers generally given to the chief executive officer of a corporation. The president’s duties include presiding at all meetings of the board and the membership. The president will execute contracts, orders and other documents in the name of the association as its agent. When signing documents, the president should indicate the capacity in which he or she is signing in order to avoid any personal liability since the president’s signature, under most circumstances, will bind the association under a doctrine of inherent powers.

The president also assumes general charge of the day-to-day administration of the association and has the authority to order specific actions in furtherance of the board’s policies. The president serves as spokesman for the board of directors in most matters relating to general association business. Like all officers of the association, the president has an affirmative duty to carry out the responsibilities of the office in the best interests of the association. Unless otherwise specified in governing documents, the president serves at the will of the board of directors and can be removed with or without cause at any time by a majority of the full board.


The secretary of the association is responsible for keeping and maintaining a record of all meetings of the board and the membership and is the custodian for most of the official records of the association. The position of secretary is not simply a clerical position. As the custodian for the minutes and other official records of the association, the secretary is responsible for insuring access to those records by the members of the association and their authorized representatives.


The treasurer is the custodian of the funds, securities and financial records of the association. The treasurer’s duties will include overseeing the appropriate people to insure that the financial records and reports are properly kept and maintained. The treasurer is responsible for coordinating the development of the proposed annual budget and for preparing and giving the annual financial report on the financial status of the association.

The treasurer does not have the authority to bind the association or the board of directors in dealings with third parties unless the board has provided express authority for the treasurer to do so. As with the association’s secretary, the treasurer does not have to perform the day-to-day record keeping functions of the association when this responsibility is transferred to an accounting firm, but the treasurer will ultimately be responsible for insuring that the financial records of the association have been maintained properly in accordance with sound accounting practices.

Fiduciary Relationship and Responsibility

The members of the board of directors and each officer of the association have a fiduciary relationship with the members of the association. This fiduciary relationship imposes obligations of trust and confidence in favor of the corporation and its members. It requires the members of the board to act in good faith and in the best interests of the members of the association. It means that board members must exercise due care and diligence when acting for the community, and it requires them to act within the scope of their authority.

The fact that the association is a not-for-profit corporation, or that the members of the board are volunteers and unpaid, does not relieve them from the high standards of trust and responsibility that the fiduciary relationship requires. When a member accepts a position on the board of directors, he or she is presumed to have knowledge of the duties and responsibilities of a board member. Board members cannot be excused from improper action on the grounds of ignorance or inexperience and liability of board members for negligence and mismanagement exists in favor of the association and the property owners.

Each board member must recognize the fiduciary relationship and the responsibilities that the board has to the association and each of its members. The board’s duties must be performed with the care and responsibility that an ordinary prudent person would exercise under similar circumstances, and the ultimate responsibilities of these unique positions cannot be delegated to a manager, a management company or other third party.

Operating a homeowner association carries with it many of the very same duties and responsibilities as overseeing any other business. Serving as a board member is a valuable and rewarding experience that should be undertaken by those who see it as an opportunity to serve their fellow neighbors while protecting and enhancing the assets of the community. It is serious business, but also a task worth doing well in order to safeguard the investments of all.

  • Acting through the board as a whole, a board member should;

  • Attend and participate at meetings

  • Enforce the governing documents

  • Establish sound fiscal policies and maintain accurate records

  • Develop a workable budget, keeping in mind the needs, requirements and expectations of the community

  • Establish reserve funds

  • Act on budget items and determine assessment rates

  • Collect assessments

  • Establish, publicize, and enforce rules and penalties

  • Authorize legal action against owners who do not comply with the rules

  • Review local laws before passing rules or sending bylaws to membership for approval

  • Appoint committees and delegate authority to them

  • Select an attorney, an auditor, insurance agent and other professionals for the association

  • Provide adequate insurance coverage, as required by the bylaws and local governmental agencies

  • Inform board members of all business items that require their vote

  • Inform members of important board decisions and transactions

  • See that the association is protected for the acts of all parties with fiscal responsibilities

Home Mods

The Home Modification Request (HMR) form allows homeowners to start the home modification request process quickly and efficiently.

Please read through all of the information on this page before completing the form below.

HMR Process Steps

  1. The homeowner completes a simple online Home Modification Request (HMR) form for a Preliminary Review or Final Review.

  2. Information completed on the HMR form is saved in a database with a date and timestamp.

  3. An HMR document is systematically created from the saved data and stored in a database.

  4. The HMR document is e-mailed to the Boards Design Review Committee (DRC).

  5. The DRC will bring the HMR document to the homeowner to obtain any relevant documents, drawings, diagrams, or pictures and have the homeowner sign the document.

  6. The DRC will review the HMR and provide a copy of the DRC signed HMR document to the homeowner.

Home Modification Requests must have written approval from the DRC, requiring two DRC board members signatures, before work is started. Approval of a request grants permission for the DRC to make a reasonable inspection of work in progress and completed modifications.

The goal of the Design Review Committee is to insure cohesiveness in appearance, design and construction to maintain the community’s traditional neighborhood standards. The Home Modification Review Process will guide you through the applicable CC&R’s and the Administrative Guidelines to determine whether you’re proposed modification or addition is subject to the Governing Documents.

The committee is responsible for enforcing the terms and conditions of the Declaration as they relate to “property use”.

Examples of additions or modifications requiring DRC review include but are not limited to satellite dish installations, home exterior painting, fencing, swimming pool installations or building additions. If you are not sure whether a review is required please review the CC&R’s, Administrative Guidelines and/or contact us.

The DRC meets on an as-needed basis to review owner submissions for changes or additions to their homes and landscaping.

The DRC acting on behalf of the Home Owners Association monitors all applicable home additions, remodeling and significant landscape projects and revisions to ensure compliance with the Covenants.

* NOTE: Preliminary approval does not confer the right to file for construction permits or to begin construction. Final Review is required of all projects. Failure to receive final approval before beginning construction may result in fines and other sanctions being imposed.

The Committee will review all required documentation and the application will receive one of the following: “Approved”, “Denied,” or “Subject to”.

If the application is “Denied,” the applicant must submit a new proposal. No construction may begin.

If the application is given “Subject to”, the applicant must provide any required project information to the DRC before applying for building permits and beginning construction.

Final “Approval” may be given if the required information has been submitted and approved, such as satisfactory landscape plans and exterior paint color samples. Approvals will be valid for one year, after which plans must be resubmitted if approved work has not been initiated.

Mod Request Form

Owner Name
(if different than property address)
Phone Number
Approximate Construction Start Date
Enter Address
What Type of Modifications Are You Planning for?
Approximate Construction End Date

Rental / Tenant

The Association monitors rental properties within Jackson Oaks Neighborhood Association to ensure that the tenants are aware of and are complying with the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs), By-Laws and all resolutions, policies, rules and regulations of the Association.

It’s important to note that an Association has no direct authority over tenants. It does, however, have certain authority over the homeowners relative to the governing documents and may exert that right when it comes to enforcing the Association’s covenants, policies and rules. This disconnect creates some practical problems for the board in communicating with tenants since there is always a middle person to deal with. The homeowner will be the first point of contact and the person held responsible.

  1. The owner/agent is responsible for providing the Association a completed Rental & Lease Tenant Information form within ten (10) days of the execution of a new rental/leasing agreement or when the agreement is renewed or modified.

  2. Owners/agents are responsible for providing tenants with governing documents. The documents are available on the Associations website.

  3. The owner/agent is responsible for monitoring covenant compliance and complying with relevant Governing Documents of the Association.

  4. The owner/agent will be notified of any violations of the covenants per the compliance policy stating the violation. The homeowner is responsible for resolving the violation with the tenant per the notice of violation. The owner may be levied fines for non-compliance of the covenants. It’s up to the owner to seek reimbursement from the tenant for any fines levied.

  5. The tenants are responsible for communicating neighborhood or rental property concerns or rules compliance questions to the Association through the owner/agent.

  6. The home may not be sub-leased by tenants.

Tenant Form

Property Owner Information

Owner Name
(if different than property address)
Phone Number
Enter Address
What Type of Modifications Are You Planning for?

Tenant Information

Tenant Name
Tenant Phone Number
Tenant Name
Tenant Phone Number

Property Management Information

Property Management Company Name
Property Management Mailing Address
Property Management Phone
Property Management Contact Name


If you need to contact the HOA, please use this form and a representative will get back to you.
How can we help?